Other Work.
Pigment ink marker and synthetic polymer paint on cotton paper
77 × 112cm / 30 × 44in
[ID: A drawing imitating a certificate. Inside a fancy border is a log of white fist wreathed by brown hands. The certificate reads “CONGRATULATIONS! You are a GOOD WHITE PERSON. You have done ______ mths/yrs of human rights/anti-racist work and you have ______ friends from _______ different races/ethnicities. This document certifies that you can never do, think, say, feel anything racist/white-centric/self-obsessed ever again !!!! BRAVO! YIPPEE! WOOHOO! If anyone of colour ever accuses you of racism, just show them this certificate and you will be instantly absolved from any misunderstanding that the coloured person has had about you. Because, don’t forget, good white person, It’s ALL about YOU !” with a signature line for “People of Colour Representative”]