Naked Landscapes.


The Giant Koala (jenjen), Dadswells Bridge

Felt-tips on Stonehenge cotton paper
127 x 97cm

Jenjen aka Jennifer Mills was once fallen on by a koala. She has an affinity with Big Things born of too much time on the road and an affection for the Australian Surreal. Here she chews over the environmental impact of the publication of her first novel.

[ID: A marker portrait of a tan person with bra and undies tan marks shown by the white of the page, sits in the fork of a gum tree, chewing leaves in her mouth. Clip-on koalas are on her nipples and she holds a bottle in a “Giant Koala” stubby holder. She looks past her shoulder at a a giant concrete koala that is in profile in the background. The sentence “I do feel partially responsible for deforestation” is in large green font amongst tall grasses on left.]