In acknowledgment of Invasion Day… Creature from the Black Platoon starring Gary Foley, 2011. Gary Foley is a legendary Indigenous actor, activist and academic. He helped design the Aboriginal flag and was involved in establishing the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the grounds of (the now) Old Parliament House which still exists today after 44 years. This portrait features scenes from early days at the Embassy and references his ASIO reputation. Created as part of my We Don’t Need Another Hero series, in which I asked people of colour to pose as outlaws in their /our colonial apocalypses. #invasionday #aboriginalland #ngariguland #ngunnwalland #australiaday #aboriginaltentembassy #garyfoley #livinglegend #postapocalypse #settlercolonialism #movieposter #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #textaqueen (at Old Parliament House)