detail from Blessing, 2015, fibre-tips and watercolour on cotton paper. Up in my solo show Rise And Fall, opening this Saturday Mar 5th 2-4pm @this_is_no_fantasy + Dianne Tanzer Gallery 108-110 Gertrude St Fitzroy VIC 3065 Australia – Wurundjeri land. #blessing #textaqueen #riseandfall #hybridlandscapes #melbourneexhibition #workonpaper #elephanttrunk #milk #elephantfern #fronds #selfportrait #markers #watercolour #indianaustralian #southasiandiaspora featuring work from my residencies at #vytlacil in Upstate New York on Tappan land, via @asialink_arts in Varanasi India and at Laughing Waters, Eltham on Wurundjeri land. Show runs til Mar 31st. (at Laughing Waters)