Since 1788, every day has been Invasion Day in so-called Australia. As many First Nations people have expressed already, if you’re someone who benefits from the colonisation of these lands (and able bodied etc to attend) I hope you show up to a rally today – and also show up in support of Indigenous sovereignty and individuals everyday. Melbourne/Narrm rally details second image.

Image: Robbie Thorpe is Djuran Bunjileenee “Armageddon Outta Here”
‘In a time against his race, he must race against time… Speeding back through 200 years of history, Djuran Bunjileenee travels to his ancestral home via his digital crystal 5th dimension time belt. Armed with his sonic combustion didge, he must destroy the roots of Armageddon; the arrival of the British crown. It’s pay back time travel. Can he change history and if so, can he return to the present time, on time?’

Created in 2011 in a dynamic collaborative process with activist and creative wordsmith Robbie Thorpe (Gunnai nation). The title rolled off his lips within seconds of hearing the We Don’t Need Another Hero series concept (post apocalyptic movie poster portraits about the apocalypes of colonialism) and the full concept was alight within minutes. Robbie’s people were the first to witness the invading British ships and the elders foretold their arrival as the coming of Armageddon.

#invasionday #robbiethorpe #gunnai #aboriginalactivist #armageddonouttahere #borderpatrol #customarylawforce #captaincook #captaincookisdrowning #whitemanoverboard #theendeavour #stolenwealth #paybacktime #timetravel (at Kurnell, New South Wales)