FREE SHIPPING on 2018 TextaQueen calendars within (so called) Australia for 48 hours with code SHIPHAPPENS. All prices below in AUD. Around 50 left of the 500 limited edition run of 2018 TextaQueen calendars @ $25 / $20 BIPOC price; Textanudes 54 Mk II playing cards half price til Jan 1st at $15 with code THEONESIUSED2KNOW; Good White Person Certificates – white people price $10 (unsigned) $20 (signed) BIPOC price $5 (give or sell it to your white lover, friend, ally) free shipping on certificates with any other item; postcard sets and posters. Order now and you should have for holiday gifts to yourself or others. 10% of online calendar sales to SOS Blak Australia #textaqueen #freeshipping #holidaysale #xmassale #playingcards #pinupplayingcards #2018calendar